Volkmanns ischaemic contracture

Volkmanns ischaemic contracture 


              It is a vascular injury leading to muscular infarction and subsequent contracture.



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Silicea
  2. Causticum
  3. Ruta
  4. Colocynthis
  5. Rhustox


Charactersitic particulars

  • Silicea is a natural medicine for Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture contracture with pain in the contracted tissue cords upon moving the fingers.
  • The affected finger flexes onto the palm.
  • Opening the finger causes intense pain.
  • Excessive sweating on hand is a feature that may be present in most cases.


  • < - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering
  • > - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather


Charactersitic particulars

  • Causticum is indicated for the later stages of Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture.
  • The cases needing Causticum have severe contractures in hand.
  • This leads to bending or fingers towards the palm.
  • The person is unable to move the affected fingers without the help of the other hand.
  • In some cases, complete deformity of the finger is present.
  •  A drawing and tearing pain is felt in hands.
  • The hands and fingers my feel icy cold.


  • < - dry , cold winds, from motion or carriage
  • > - wet weather, heat of bed


Charactersitic particulars

  • Ruta is prepared from a fresh plant named RutaGraveolens.
  •  It belongs to the natural order Rutaceae.
  • Ruta is indicated for Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture with nodes on the palms of the hand.
  • The fingers are contracted. Pain and stiffness in the hands may be present.


  • < - lying down , from cold
  • > - wet weather


Charactersitic particulars

  • Colocynthis is considered in Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture when a pain in the palms is present.
  • There appears contraction in the hands and fingers. It is difficult to open the finger, and the pain gets worse at rest.


  • < - anger , indignation
  • > - bending double


Charactersitic particulars

  • Rhus Tox offers help in cases of Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture that have a history of a hand injury.
  • People needing RhusTox can move the fingers with great difficulty.
  •  An aching or drawing pain and a heated sensation in the palm of the hand may be present.


  • < - sleep, cold , wet , rainy weather
  • > - warm, dry, motion change of position, rubbing, warm applications