Ingrowing toe nail

 Ingrowing toe nail


      In growing toe nail , also called as  (Onychocryptosis)

      It is also called as embedded toe nail.

      It is due to curling of the side of nail inwards, causing it to form a lateral spike resulting in repeated irritation and infection of overhanging tissues in the nail fold.



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Magnetic polus ausralis
  2. Graphitis naturalis
  3. Nitric acidum
  4. Silicea
  5. Myrisica sebifera
  6. Teucrium marum verum
  7. Hepar sulphuric calcareum

Magnetic polus australis

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective  medicine in case of Onychocryptosis or growing toe nail
  • Magnetis Polus Australis is the medicine indicated when there is an extreme pain in the ingrown toenail coupled with sharp, pulsating pain and intense soreness around the affected part.


  • < - touch
  • > - rest

Graphitis naturalis

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective medicine in case of Onychocryptosis  or growing toe nail
  • It is a very effective remedy for skin complaints and ingrown toenails.
  • Graphites Naturalis is a medicine that is used to treat ingrown toenails in cases where the nails are thick and rough


  • < - wet weather, damp weather
  • > - warm application

Nitric acidum

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective remedy in case of Onychocryptosis or growing toe nail
  • Nitric acid is one of the popular remedy belonging to the mineral kingdom.
  • This remedy is prepared by blending sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid.
  • The use of Nitric Acid is indicated when the ingrown toenails cause a splinter-like sensation in the nail.
  • The nails in such cases are curved, yellow or distorted.


  • < - evening , night , cold climate, hot weather
  • > - while riding in carriage


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective remedy in case of Onychocryptosis or growing toe nail
  • Silicea commonly known as Pure flint is a leading homeopathic remedy of mineral kingdom and is derived from chemical compound silicon dioxide.
  • The word Silica is originated from the Latin word Silex denoting Silicon Oxide.
  • This remedy is well indicated for the ailments attended with pus formation.
  • This remedy is a great antiseptic and has great efficacy in treating ulcerative and suppurative conditions of cellular tissue and periosteum.
  • quickens the process of suppuration and shortens the period.
  • This remedy is great in healing inflammatory and suppurative stages.
  • Silicea is directly prepared from flint.
  •  It is found in the hair, nails, skin, periosteum, nerve sheaths and in bony tissues.
  • It is found to be indicated in a wide variety of ailments affecting various systems.
  • The action of Silicea on skin is of paramount importance.
  •  It is very unhealthy and lacks all power of recuperation. That is why every little injury, even a scratch turns into an ugly sore.
  • Nails of the fingers and toes become brittle and soft, they crack easily.
  • Such soft nails when start growing inside due to wrong footwear cause inflammation and suppuration.


  • < - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering
  • > - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather

Myristica sebifera

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective remedy in case  of Onychocryptosis  or growing toe nail
  • This remedy is well indicated for the ailments attended with pus formation
  • This remedy is a great antiseptic and has great efficacy in treating ulcerative and suppurative conditions of cellular tissue and periosteum.
  • Myristica Sebifera quickens the process of suppuration and shortens the period.
  • This remedy is great in healing inflammatory and suppurative stages.
  • Silicea and Myristica Sebifera are the medicines indicated in cases of ingrown toenails when there is an infection with pus discharge in the affected nails.
  • These medicines help relieve pain and clear up the discharge and are used widely for homeopathic treatment of ingrown toenail.

Teucrium marum verum

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective remedy in case of Onychocryptosis or growing toe nail
  • TeucriumMarumVerumhomeopathic remedy is prepared from freshly harvested part of the plant which is chopped gently and crushed.
  • The final product is then macerated in alcohol.
  • This homeopathic medicine helps in treating ingrown toenail successfully when accompanied by a suppurated toenail.

Hepar sulphuric calcareum

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is an effective medicin e for Onychocryptosis or growing toe nail
  • Heparsulphuriscalcareum commonly known as calcium Sulphide is a remedy prepared from oyster shells.
  • This remedy is usually indicated when ingrown toenail is followed by toenail infection.
  • There is severe splinter-like pain in the affected area.
  • It also helps to hasten the suppuration and shorten the period.
  • When pus discharged is thick, yellow and offensive this remedy is best indicated.


  • < - dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught
  • > - damp weather, from wrapping head up, warmth, after eating