Dupuyutren’s contracture

 Dupuyutren’s contracture 


      It refers to localised thickening of palmar aponeurosis and later formation of nodules with severe  permanent changes in metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints.

      Terminal interphalangeal joint is not involved as palmar aponeurosis does not extend to terminal phalanx.

      It is common in males



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Silicea
  2. Causticum
  3. Ruta
  4. Colocynthis
  5. Rhustox


Charactersitic particulars

  • Silicea is a natural medicine for Dupuytren’s contracture with pain in the contracted tissue cords upon moving the fingers.
  • The affected finger flexes onto the palm.
  • Opening the finger causes intense pain.
  • Excessive sweating on hand is a feature that may be present in most cases.


  • < - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering
  • > - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather


Charactersitic particulars

  • Causticum is indicated for the later stages of Dupuytren’s contracture.
  • The cases needing Causticum have severe contractures in hand.
  • This leads to bending or fingers towards the palm.
  • The person is unable to move the affected fingers without the help of the other hand.
  • In some cases, complete deformity of the finger is present.
  •  A drawing and tearing pain is felt in hands.
  • The hands and fingers my feel icy cold.


  • < - dry , cold winds, from motion or carriage
  • > - wet weather, heat of bed


Charactersitic particulars

  • Ruta is prepared from a fresh plant named RutaGraveolens.
  •  It belongs to the natural order Rutaceae.
  • Ruta is indicated for Dupuytren’s contracture with nodes on the palms of the hand.
  • The fingers are contracted. Pain and stiffness in the hands may be present.


  • < - lying down , from cold
  • > - wet weather


Charactersitic particulars

  • Colocynthis is considered in Dupuytren’s contracture when a pain in the palms is present.
  • There appears contraction in the hands and fingers. It is difficult to open the finger, and the pain gets worse at rest.


  • < - anger , indignation
  • > - bending double


Charactersitic particulars

  • Rhus Tox offers help in cases of Dupuytren’s contracture that have a history of a hand injury.
  • People needing RhusTox can move the fingers with great difficulty.
  •  An aching or drawing pain and a heated sensation in the palm of the hand may be present.


  • < - sleep, cold , wet , rainy weather
  • > - warm, dry, motion change of position, rubbing, warm applications