


      It is localised area of thickening over bony projections like heads of metatarsals. 

      Histologically it differs from callosity by having severe keratoses with a central core of degenerated cells and cholesterol. 

      It presses over the adjacent nerves causing pain.

      It can get infected causing severe pain and tender ness with inability to walk. 

      It is smaller lesion which is pushed deep into the skin forming a localised palpable painful/tender nodule with a central yellow white core of dead cornified skin.



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Antimonium crudum
  2. Silicea
  3. Hepar sulphuris calcareum
  4. Nitic acidum
  5. Ranunculus bulbosus
  6. Ferrum picricum
  7. Ran scleratus
  8. Arnica
  9. Camphor

Antimonium  cudum

Charactersitic particulars

  • AntimoniumCrudum tops the list of natural medicines for corns.
  • The most prominent symptom indicating that AntimoniumCrudum is used is the presence of large, horny corns on feet which may or may not be inflamed.
  • AntimoniumCrudum is also one of the best medicines for corns where the corns are very tender.
  • Pain is felt in the corns while walking.
  • Corns inflamed, large horny placed on soles of feet close to the toes; thickened skin of soles & feet. Corn on soles & toes.
  • Inflamed corn with great sensitiveness of soles on walking. Aching, stitching pains in corns.
  • For children and young people inclined to grow fat; for the extremes of life.
  • Old people with morning diarrhea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhea and constipation; pulse hard and rapid.
  •  Sensitive to the cold


  • < - heat , acids, water
  • > - open air , warmth


Charactersitic particulars

  • Silicea is used  For Soft Corns
  • Silicea is another of the top grade medicines for corns
  • The characteristic symptoms – corns between the toes may be sore and painful.
  • Patients may also feel burning or tearing pain in these corns.
  • Silicea also works wonders in cases of corns between toes that tend to suppurate (discharge pus).
  • Excessive sweat with an offensive odour may be present on the foot where the corn is located.


  • < - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering
  • > - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

Charactersitic particulars

  • HeparSulph is used For Corns with Pus Formation
  • HeparSulph is one of the best choices of medicines for corns that tend to suppurate (have pus formation).
  • The kind of corns for which HeparSulph would be the most suitable prescription are corns infected with pus formation and pricking pains.
  • Burning, stinging pains may also be experienced in cases where HeparSulph would be one of the ideal medicines for corns.
  • Such corns may also be highly sensitive to touch.


  • < - dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught
  • > - damp weather, from wrapping head up, warmth, after eating

Ntricum acidum

Charactersitic particulars

  • Nitric Acid is the best medicines for corns that are very painful.
  • The guiding feature for prescribing Nitric Acid as the most suitable among medicines for corns is the presence of corns with splinter-like or sticking pains.
  • In cases where the most prominent symptoms are thick, indurated (hardened) corns on the feet with pressing, tearing, aching and drawing pains,


  • < - evening , night , cold climate, hot weather
  • > - while riding in carriage

Ranunculus  bulbosus

Charactersitic particulars

  • Ranunculus Bulbosusis used For Horny Corns
  • Ranunculus Bulbosusis noted as medicines for horny corns.
  •  Ranunculus Bulbosus works well in hard, horny corns.
  • The corns in this case are very sensitive to touch.
  • The corns are very tender and painful, especially while walking,

Ferrum picricum

Charactersitic particulars

  • Homeopathic medicine for corn with yellow discolouration. Multiple corns which are very painful.


Charactersitic particulars

  • Corns on heels and toes. Very sensitive.
  • Very painful, stinging, stitching, smarting pain.
  • Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons, lively expression and very red face.
  • For the bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries; even if received years ago.


  • < - touch , motion , covering , warmth
  • > - rest


Charactersitic particulars

  • Homeopathic medicine for  corns with skin parchment like sore, painful corns which are very sensitive;
  • soreness especially in toe joints and corns.
  • Pain better while thinking of it.
  • Persons physically and mentally weak and irritable.
  • Exceedingly sensitive to cold air.
  • Bad effects of shock from injury; surface of body cold, face pale, blue, lips livid; profound prostration.
  • Surface cold to touch, yet cannot bear to be covered; throws off all coverings.
  • Entire body painfully sensitive to slightest touch.
  • Tongue cold, flabby, trembling. Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhea; nose cold and pointed; anxious and restless; skin and breath cold.
  • In first stages of cholera morbus and Asiatic cholera; severe, long-lasting chill.


  • < - motion, night, cold
  • > - warmth


Charactersitic particulars

  • Rough, hard, dry and unhealthy skin. Thin sticky, glutinous discharge. Soreness and aching in corns. Horny skin on toes.
  • Suited to – Excessive cautiousness; timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything. Fidgety while sitting at work.
  • Sad, despondent; music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death.


  • < - warm climate, humid weather
  • > - cold climate

Natrum muriaticum

Charactersitic particulars

  • Homeopathic medicine for corn and painful scars. Greasy skin. Boring, tearing and stitching pain.
  • Worse walking and standing.
    For the anaemic and cachectic, whether from lots of vital fluids- profuse menses, seminal losses- or mental affections. Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well.
  • Throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint.
  • Great liability to take cold. Irritability: child cross when spoken to; crying from slightest cause; gets into a passion about trifles, especially when consoled with.
  • Awkward , hasty, drops things from nervous weakness.
  • Marked disposition to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause, but consolation from others <. her troubles.


  • < - consolation , troubles, mental exertion
  • > - rest, open air

Ran scleratus

Characteristic particulars

  • Acute painful corns. Acrid exudation which makes surrounding parts sore.
  • Corns on ball of 1st and 2nd left toes, sensitive to touch and pressure, smart and burn; very painful when letting leg hang down, they also throb and especially painful by flexing toes.
  • Better by extending them, wearing thick soled boot at times.
  • Numbness in corns, knocking toes against anything so as to cause boot to grate against corns, causes great pain and burning.


Charactersitic prticulars

  • Inflamed corns with stitching, burning pains. Soreness of hand .
  • Stitches in the corns, jerking up the arm
    Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine temperament; persons of a psoric diathesis.
  • Persons of light complexion; fine dry skin; pale face; weakly, with lax muscles.
  • Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or quantity, but from imperfect assimilation; oversensitive, physically and mentally.


  • < - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering
  • > - warmth, wrapping up, summer, wet humid weather


Characteristic particulars

  • Corns from pressure. If a shoe presses anywhere on the skin, a great corn or bunion develop.
  • Burning, aching, tearing & stitching pain. Desquamation excoriation of the skin.
  • Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestion; especially of portal system.
  • Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes.
  • For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooping like old men.
  • Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections.
  • Aversion to being washed; always <. after a bath. Too lazy to rouse himself; too unhappy to live.


  • < - bathing , morning 11 am , warm
  • > - open air , cold application


Characteristic particulars

  • Corns that are very sensitive with tearing pain. Skin becomes thick and indurated.
  • Painful callosities on soles, toes and fingers contracted. Inflammation with stitching and soreness.
  • For persons intellectually keen, but physically weak; upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical; predisposed to lung and hepatic affections; especially the extremes of life, children and old people.
  • Deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases.
  • Pains: aching-pressure, drawing; chiefly right-sided, <. four to eight p.m. affects right side, or pain goes from right to left.


  • < - right side,  to 8 pm , warm application
  • > - midnight, warm food & drink