post traumatic Arthritis of hand joints

 Arthritis of hand joints


  • posttraumatic arthritis (PA): occurs after an injury to the wrist



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Apismellifica
  2. Arnica
  3. Rhustox
  4. Acidumluoricum
  5. Radium brom
  6. Ledumpaul
  7. Lycopodium

Apis mellifica

Charactersitic particulars

  • ApisMellifica is used  For reducing joint swelling
  • ApisMellifica is a very beneficial medicine to reduce swelling in the affected joint.
  • Persons needing it also have pain in joint along with swelling.
  • The pain is majorly burning, stinging in nature where Apis is needed.
  • The joint is also intensely red, inflamed, and sensitive to touch.
  • Heat is present in the affected joint, along with the above symptoms.
  • excellent medicine for acute arthritis
  •  affected part is red, shiny, and swollen
  •  there is great tenderness of joints
  • pains are better by applying cold water.


  • < - heat, touch, pressure right side
  • > - open air & cold bathing


Charactersitic particulars

  • Arnica is used For inflamed tendon sheath from injury
  • Arnica is well indicated for cases that arise from injuries.
  • Persons who need this medicine have marked pain and swelling in the joint.
  • Pain is a sore and bruised type.
  • The joints are also very tender, and they have a great fear of touching the joint.
  • Sometimes they also feel a prickling sensation in joints.


  • < - touch , motion , covering , warmth
  • > - rest


Charactersitic particulars

  • RhusTox is a Leading medicine for arthritis of hand
  • RhusTox is very beneficial when inflammation of tendon sheath arise from an injury to the tendon, overuse, strains, repetitive stress on tendons, lifting very heavy objects, and inflammation and wear and tear of joint and tendons from arthritis (joint inflammation).
  •  Persons were needing it to have pain in the affected joint along with swelling and marked stiffness.
  • Redness and heat in the joints is also there.
  • Cracking sound from joints on stretching is also present.
  • They mostly complain of worsening of pain when they are at rest and relief on moving the affected joint.
  • They may also have to worsen joint pain in cold weather.


  • < - sleep, cold , wet , rainy weather
  • > - warm, dry, motion change of position, rubbing, warm applications

Acid flour

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine in case of arthritis of hand
  • Acid flour is used in case of abnormal growth of bones; it softens the bones and absorbs the nodes; affected parts are red in color.


  • < - warm
  • > - walking

Radium brom

Charactersitic particulars

  • Radium brom is a remarkable remedy for chronic rheumatic arthritis of small joints
  • intense pain in all the limbs and joints, such as knee, ankles, arms, shoulders, fingers, calves, toes; better by continuous motion and cold air.


  • < - getting up
  • > - open air, pressure

Ledum  paulstre

Charactersitic particulars

  • Ledum Pal is given When feet and ankle is affected
  • Ledum Pal is an excellent medicine when feet and ankle are involved in this condition.
  • It is used when there is pain and swelling in the feet and ankle.
  • A burning sensation is also felt. Stiffness is also present in the feet and ankles.
  • Warmth tends to worsen the pain while cold application relieves the pain in cases needing Ledum Pal.
  • Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and in joints, but especially small joints.
  •  Joints Swollen, hot, pale. Cracking in joints; worse, warmth of bed.
  •  Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends. Soles painful, can hardly step on them.


  • < - night, head of bed
  • > - cold


Charactersitic particulars

  • Lycopodium clavatum is given for Numbness, drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest or at night.
  • Tearing in shoulder and elbow joints.
  • One foot hot, the other cold.
  • Chronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints. Profuse sweat of the feet.
  • Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble. Sciatica, worse right side.
  • Cannot lie on painful side.
  • Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed.
  • Limbs go to sleep. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence.
  •  Hurried when eating


  • < - right side,  to 8 pm , warm application
  • > - midnight, warm food & drink


Characteristic particulars

  • Guaiacum is used in case of complaints in syphilitic and tubercular patients; gouty abscesses of joints;
  • intense swelling with pain in the joints which is worse by warmth
  •  shooting type of pain from feet to knees
  • leg and ankle bones are especially affected
  • complaints ameliorated by cold bath and cold applications.