Lymphangitis of hand

 Lymphangitis of hand


  • Lymphangitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic system, which is a major component of your immune system
  • Infectious lymphangitis occurs when bacteria or viruses enter the lymphatic channels.
  • They may enter through a cut or wound, or they may grow from an existing infection



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Calcarea iodata
  2. Calcarea flour
  3. Calcarea carb
  4. Scrophularianodosa Q
  5. Graphitis
  6. Belladonna
  7. Lapis albus
  8. Iodum ( iodine )
  9. Carbo animalis


11.Mercurius iodide





Calcarea fluor

Characteristics particular

·         It is an indicated remedy in lympahangitis

·         Suppurations with callous, hard skin

·         Hard , elevated skin , that is purple and swollen

·         Knots, kernels, hardened glands are common in the cyst.

·         Stony hardness of the cyst is present


·         < - rest, change of weather

·         > - heat, warm application.


Characteristics particular

·         It is also important in acse of lymphangitis

·         It is suitable in case of swelling with hot, dry , withered

·         Glands are enlarged and also seen in this case.

·         Glands enlarged & nosoidities is commonly seen in this drug.

·         Anarsarca is seen in case of cardiac diseases.


·         < - quiet, warm room, right side

·         > - open air

Scrofula nodosa

Characteristics particular

·         It is also an imporatant remedy incase of lymphangitis

·         Carcinomata, glandular swellings of a cancerous nature.

·         Appearance of malignant and benign lumps in the breast, growing slowly into tumours.

·          Stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency.

·         Myomae, uterine carcinomata, epithelial and scirrhoustumours.


·         < - lying in right side

Thuja occidentalis

Characteristics particular

·         It is also imporatant remedy in case of lymphangitis

·         Polypi, tubercles, warts epithelioma, naeva, carbuncles, ulcers especially in ano – rectal region is highly useful

·         Freckles and blotches. perspiration sweetish and strong.

·         Dry skin, with brown spots. Zona, herpetic eruptions. Tearing pain in glands. Glandular enlargement. Nails crippled, brittle and soft

·         Eruptions only on covered parts. Very sensitive to touch

·         Coldness of one side, sarcoma, polypi. Brown spots on hands and arms


·         < - night, heat of bed, at 3 am& 3 pm, cold damp weather, break fast,vaccination

·         > - left side