Compound palmar ganglion

 Compound palmar ganglion


  • Compound palmar ganglion is an old term to signify tuberculous tenosynovitis of the ulnar bursa at the wrist.
  • It is very rarely seen nowadays and this case is probably the first to be reported from Saudi Arabia, although pulmonary tuberculosis is not uncommon in this country.
  • Compound palmer ganglion is an uncommon condition characterized by a swelling in the distal part of volar aspect of wrist and communicating with another swelling over palm across the flexor retinaculum.
  • It may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and need surgical excision with division of flexor retinaculum



Homoeopathic remedies

  1. Benzoic acidum
  2. Calcarea sulph
  3. Calcarea flour
  4. Silicea
  5. Ruta
  6. Kali muriaticum
  7. Graphitis

Calcarea flour

Charactersitic particulars

  • Excellent remedy for ganglion at the back of wrist. For swelling & indurations around tendons & joints.
  •  Ganglion at the back of knee. Ganglion after injury.
  • Also remove tendency to adhesion after operation of Ganglion.


  • < - rest, change of weather
  • > - heat, warm application.

Calcarea carb

Characteristic particulars

  • Superlative remedy in Ganglion affections in people who are fat, fair, flabby.
  • Excessive cold and damp perspiration.
  • Patient requiring this medicine usually feels best when constipated.
  • Great for arthritic nodosities.


  • < - damp weather, wet climate
  • > - dry weather, warm applications


Charactersitic particulars

  • Great remedy for Ganglion in people who have tendency to put fat & are affected with poor circulation.
  • Associated skin conditions.
  • Tendency to take cold.
  • Feels miserable & unhappy.
  • Weeping from music with aversion to meat


  • < - warm climate, humid weather
  • > - cold climate