Acute suppurative tenosynovitis

 Acute suppurative tenosynovitis


      It is the bacterial infection of flexor tendon sheaths



Homoeopathic remedies

1.       Rhustox
2.      Ruta
3.      Arnica
4.     Bryonia alba
5.      Actea  spicata
6.      Apis mellifica
7.      Ledum pal


Charactersitic particulars

  •  Rhus Tox tops the list of medicines used in homeopathy for treating cases of tenosynovitis.
  • RhusTox is very beneficial when inflammation of tendon sheath arise from an injury to the tendon, overuse, strains, repetitive stress on tendons, lifting very heavy objects, and inflammation and wear and tear of joint and tendons from arthritis (joint inflammation).
  •   Persons were needing it to have pain in the affected joint along with swelling and marked stiffness.
  •  Redness and heat in the joints is also there. Cracking sound from joints on stretching is also present.
  •  They mostly complain of worsening of pain when they are at rest and relief on moving the affected joint.
  • They may also have to worsen joint pain in cold weather.


·         < - sleep, cold , wet , rainy weather

·         > - warm, dry, motion change of position, rubbing, warm applications


Charactersitic particulars

  •  Arnica – For inflamed tendon sheath from injury
  •   Arnica is well indicated for cases that arise from injuries.
  •  Persons who need this medicine have marked pain and swelling in the joint.
  • Pain is a sore and bruised type.
  • The joints are also very tender, and they have a great fear of touching the joint.
  •   Sometimes they also feel a prickling sensation in joints.


·         < - touch , motion , covering , warmth

·         > - rest


Charactersitic particulars

  • Ruta – When inflammation arise from injuries and strains
  • Ruta is valuable when this condition arises from injuries and strains (overstretching or tearing of tendons).
  • There is soreness and aching in the affected joint in cases requiring Ruta.
  • The pain is attended with swelling of the joints.
  • In cases where the wrist is affected, it is given for shooting pain along with stiffness in the wrist.

·   Modalities

·         < - lying down , cold , wet weather

Bryonia alba

  • Charactersitic particulars
  •  Bryonia – For joint pain worsening from motion
  •  Bryonia is used when pain in the affected joint gets worse from motion and relieved from rest.
  •   The pain, in most cases, is sharp, stitching, or tearing in nature.
  •   Warmth may relieve the pain. Along with the painful joint is also swollen and red.


·         < - warm, motion, morning

·         > - pressure, rest , cold things

Actea spicata

Charactersitic particulars

  •  Actaea Spicata – For pain and swelling in small joint
  • ActaeaSpicata is a very useful medicine when small joints, including wrist, hand, and ankle, are painful and swollen.
  •  Pain is drawing or tearing type.
  •  The pain most times get worse from motion and touch.
  • All these parts are also swollen.
  • The swelling arises from slight fatigue or walking.

Apis mellifica

Charactersitic particulars

  • Apis Mellifica  is used For reducing joint swelling
  •   Apis Mellifica is a very beneficial medicine to reduce swelling in the affected joint.
  •  Persons needing it also have pain in joint along with swelling.
  •   The pain is majorly burning, stinging in nature where Apis is needed.
  • The joint is also intensely red, inflamed, and sensitive to touch.
  •  Heat is present in the affected joint, along with the above symptoms.


·         < - touch, pressure, sleep, right side

·         > - open air & uncovering

Ledum pal

Charactersitic particulars

  •  Ledum Pal is used When feet and ankle is affected
  •  Ledum Pal is an excellent medicine when feet and ankle are involved in this condition.
  • It is used when there is pain and swelling in the feet and ankle.
  • A burning sensation is also felt. Stiffness is also present in the feet and ankles.
  • Warmth tends to worsen the pain while cold application relieves the pain in cases needing Ledum Pal.


·         < - night, heat

·         > - cold , putting feet in cold water