Pyogenic liver abscess

  Pyogenic liver abscess

  1. Hepar sulphuric calcareum
  2. Mercurius solibus
  3. Phosphorous
  4. Silicea
  5. Vipera

Hepar sulphuric calcareum

Characteristics particular

·         HeparSulph is one of the top natural Homeopathic remedies for various pus-related or suppurative diseases.

·         It has a great power in abolishing the pus that has collected in any organ of the body.

·         For using HeparSulph to treat liver Abscess, the pain in the liver region mainly gets worse by walking.

·         The pain can be shooting or stitching in nature. Along with pain, the abdomen is very tense and distended.

·         HeparSulph is also the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the patient complains of loss of appetite and has a specific aversion to fats and a desire for acidic things in food.

·         The stool or poop is most of the times clay-coloured or white.

·         The stool may also contain undigested food particles.

·         Apart from these symptoms,the patient suffers from fever with chills and severe shivering.

·         A continuous foul-smelling sweat may follow the chill.


  • < - dry cold winds,cool air, touch, lying on painful side
  • > - damp weather, wrapping head up, rom warmth, after eating.

Mercurius solibus

Characteristic particulars

  • This homeopathic medicine for liver cirrhosis has much sensitiveness and dull pain in the region of the liver; the patient cannot lie on the right side.
  • The liver is enlarged. The skin and conjunctiva are jaundiced (yellow colored).
  • Intense thirst for cold drinks. Weak digestion, with continuous hunger. Stomach sensitive to touch
  • The stools are either clay-colored from absence of bile, or yellowish-green bilious stools passed with a great colic and tenesmus.
  • There is a yellowish white coated tongue which takes the imprint of the teeth and there is a fetid breath, loss of appetite and depression of spirits.
  • All Mercury symptoms are worse at night, from warmth of bed, from damp, cold, rainy weather, worse during perspiration.
  • Complaints increase with the sweat and rest; all associated with a great weariness, prostration, and trembling.


  • < - night, damp weather, right side
  • > - warm room, warm bed


Characteristics particular

·         When a person with Liver Abscess experiences pain in the liver which worsens by lying on the right side or because of pressure, then Phosphorus is the best natural homeopathic remedy.

·         The pain can be shooting or very sharp in nature.

·         Enlargement of the liver is also noticed along with pain.

·         The person requiring Phosphorus gives a very important symptom of an empty sensation in the whole abdomen.

·         Phosphorus is also a very efficient Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess with diarrhea.

·         Such patients complain of loose stool shortly after eating anything. Diarrhoea is accompanied by utmost weakness.

·         Apart from pain, liver enlargement, and loose stool, the person has peculiar cravings in the diet.

·         The significant cravings are those for cold drinks, juices, and ice creams.


  • < - touch, physical/mental exertion, warm food, drink, evening, lying on left/ painful side
  • > - dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air,sleep


Characteristics particular

·         it is a good medicine used in case of liver abscess

·         where the abdomen is hard, blotted, cold feeling in abdomen

·         cutting pain is present in the abdomen along with constipation

·         blue nails and yellow hands are present

·         much rumbling in bowels is present


  • < - new moon , morning, washing, during menses, cold, lying on left side
  • > - warmth, wrapping up head, summer, in wet/ humid weather


Characteristics particular

·         It is one of the liver remedy, mainly used in liver abscess & also in jaundice

·         There is violent pain along with enlarged liver and also in case of fever

·         The pain extends to the shoulder and hip