Amoebic liver abscess

 Amoebic liver abscess

Amoebic liver abscess

  1. Hepar sulphuric calacreum
  2. Bryonia alba
  3. Nux vomica
  4. lycopodium
  5. phosphorous




Characteristics particular

·         HeparSulph is one of the top natural Homeopathic remedies for various pus-related or suppurative diseases.

·         It has a great power in abolishing the pus that has collected in any organ of the body.

·         For using HeparSulph to treat liver Abscess, the pain in the liver region mainly gets worse by walking.

·         The pain can be shooting or stitching in nature. Along with pain, the abdomen is very tense and distended.

·         HeparSulph is also the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the patient complains of loss of appetite and has a specific aversion to fats and a desire for acidic things in food.

·         The stool or poop is most of the times clay-coloured or white.

·         The stool may also contain undigested food particles.

·         Apart from these symptoms,the patient suffers from fever with chills and severe shivering.

·         A continuous foul-smelling sweat may follow the chill.


  • < - dry cold winds,cool air, touch, lying on painful side
  • > - damp weather, wrapping head up, rom warmth, after eating.


Characteristics particular

·         Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural homeopathic remedy for liver Abscess when the liver pain gets significantly worse after eating.

·         The liver region gets tense and sensitive on eating a slight amount of food.

·          The liver pain most of the times radiates to the right shoulder.

·         Apart from pain, excessive flatulence in the abdomen may be present which is in most cases obstructed.

·         The use of Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium must also be considered for patients with a decreased appetite.

·         Here the person feels fullness in the abdomen and easy satisfaction from eating a very small quantity of food.

·         Apart from these symptoms of pain, flatus, and decreased appetite, another peculiar symptom is noted in a specific craving for eating.

·         Although the appetite is diminished, yet the person craves for hot drinks and sweets in diet.

·         Fever with chills if present is most marked in evening time around 4pmto 8 pm.


  • < - right side, from right to left, above downward, 4 to 8 pm,
  • > - motion, after midnight, warm food and drink

Nux Vomica

Characteristics particular

·         Nux Vomica is a natural homeopathic medicine of great help in the treatment of liver Abscess when the pain in liver gets worse by a slight touch or movement.

·         The pain can be throbbing, pulsating, shooting, stinging or stitching in nature.

·          The liver region is also very sensitive.

·         The sensitivity is so marked that even the clothing around the liver region seems to be unbearable.

·         Another characteristic symptom to be borne in mind for selecting Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica forever Abscess cases is a constant urge to pass stool.

·         This symptom whenever present, is considered a highly significant one.

·         The person has a constant urge to pass stool or poop but the stool passed is scanty with an unsatisfactory feeling.

·         Nausea and vomiting may also accompany frequent passing of stool.

·         Peculiar cravings in the diet are fats, spicy food and stimulants like coffee or alcohol.

·         Apart from these features, fever with chills is marked.

·         The person has a desire to be covered up warmly due to chills.


  • < - morning, mental exertion, after eating, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, cold
  • > - from a nap, while at rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure


Characteristics particular

·         When a person with Liver Abscess experiences pain in the liver which worsens by lying on the right side or because of pressure, then Phosphorus is the best natural homeopathic remedy.

·         The pain can be shooting or very sharp in nature.

·         Enlargement of the liver is also noticed along with pain.

·         The person requiring Phosphorus gives a very important symptom of an empty sensation in the whole abdomen.

·         Phosphorus is also a very efficient Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess with diarrhea.

·         Such patients complain of loose stool shortly after eating anything. Diarrhoea is accompanied by utmost weakness.

·         Apart from pain, liver enlargement, and loose stool, the person has peculiar cravings in the diet.

·         The significant cravings are those for cold drinks, juices, and ice creams.


  • < - touch, physical/mental exertion, warm food, drink, evening, lying on left/ painful side
  • > - dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air,sleep

 Bryonia Alba

Characteristics particular

·         Bryonia Alba is the most suitable natural Homeopathic remedy when the liver pain due to abscess is aggravated by breathing.

·         The liver also shows enlargement. The liver region is markedly swollen and tense.

·         The person gets relief from the pain of liver by taking complete rest without any motion.

·         The pain can be burning or shooting in nature and may extend to the stomach or to the back in most cases. The person also shows a disgust for food with a loss of appetite.

·         The taste of mouth gets bitter in most cases.

·         Another symptom of high value that is to be considered in the selection of Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is a peculiar thirst.

·         The patient desires large quantity of water at long intervals.

·         Most patients needing Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba are constipated with a difficult and hard stool.


  • < - warmth, motion, morning, eating, weather, exertion, touch
  • > - lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.