Actinomycosis of liver

 Actinomycosis of Liver


1.            Arsenicum album

2.            Apocynum

3.            Apismellifica

4.           Digitalis

5.            China officinalis

6.            Helleborusniger

7.            Adonis vernalis

8.           Acetic acidum

Arsenious album

characteristic particulars

       Arsenicum album is primarily used for treating infections, burning pain, irritable weakness and restlessness. The other symptoms that can be effectively managed using this medicine are:

     Enlarged and painful liver and spleen

    Heartburn and burning pain in the stomach

      Narrowing of airways and burning pain in the chest

     Pain and swelling in the abdomen

     Extremely irritable stomach

     Symptoms worsen in cold climate, post-midnight, near the seashore and after consumption of cold foods and drinks. Symptoms get better on consuming warm drinks and keeping one's head elevated.


              < - cold climate, 12 – 2 am, 1-2 pm,

              > -warm drinks, head high position

Apocynum Cannabinum

Characteristic particulars

       Indian hemp is best suited in the management of acute alcoholism (caused by rapid, excessive consumption of alcohol), excessive thirst and fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Some other symptoms that can be managed using this remedy are:

     Nausea and vomiting



      A heavy and sick feeling in the stomach

      The symptoms worsen in cold weather and after ingestion of cold drinks.


              < - cold weather, cold climate, cold drinks

              > - warm drinks

Apis Mellifica

Characteristic particulars

    Apismellifica is an effective remedy for treating swelling and oedema, soreness and pains. It can also be used to treat:

    Nephritis (inflammation of kidneys)

    Tenderness in abdomen

     Stomach pain


      Symptoms aggravate on touching the affected area and on exposure to heat in any form. Symptoms improve when the patient baths in cold water or spends some time in open air.


              < - touch, uncovering, hot weather, heat from bed

              > - cold water, cold air

Digitalis Purpurea

characteristic particulars

   Foxglove helps in managing oedema of the internal and external parts and enlargement of the liver. It can also treat the following symptoms:

     Burning sensation from the stomach to the food pipe

   Severe abdominal pain

     Enlarged and sore liver

     A feeling of weakness in stomach

     Difficulty in breathing

     Feeling of fainting on moving about

     All complaints worsen after meals and on sitting straight. The symptoms get better in open air and when the person's stomach is empty.


              < - after eating, sitting straight

              > - empty stomach, open air

China Officinalis

    China officinalis is primarily used in the management of weakness due to fluid loss from the body. It can also be used to treat:

   Swelling and enlargement of liver and spleen


    Abdominal pain

     Throwing up undigested food

    Suffocation and sharp pain in lungs

     All symptoms worsen by slight touch, eating food, bending over and at night. Improvement in the symptoms can be seen in open air and with warmth.


              < - slight touch, eating, night

              > - warm food, open air

Lycopodium Clavatum

     Club moss is used for the management of weakness, malnutrition, and progressive and chronic diseases. Following are some other symptoms that can be managed using this remedy:

      Bloating even after light meals

    Inflammation of the liver

     Brown spots on the abdomen

    Pain in the lower abdomen

     Pressure and sinking sensation in the stomach

    Burning pain in the chest

    The symptoms get worse from 4 to 8 p.m., from hot air, and warm climatic conditions. Symptoms get better on drinking warm food and drinks and on moving about.


              < - right side, from right to left, above downward, 4 to 8 pm,

              > - motion, after midnight, warm food and drink

Helleborus Niger

Characteristic particulars

       This remedy is the most suitable medicine for individuals with oedema and muscular weakness. It also aids in the management of

       Swelling and pain in the abdomen

     Irregular respiration

     Difficulty breathing

      Gurgling in the abdomen as if it is filled with water

      Symptoms aggravate from evening till morning.


              < - till morning

Senecio Aureus

Characteristic particulars

    Golden Ragwort is best suited for individuals with liver cirrhosis. It can also help treat the following symptoms:

     Nausea and burps with a sour after-taste

    Abdominal pain

    Sharp and sudden chest pain


              > - open air

Prunus Spinosa

Characteristic particulars

    This remedy is primarily used in oedema due to fluid accumulation. Few other symptoms that can be effectively managed with prunusspinosa are


    Pain and cramps in the bladder region

     Difficulty breathing

     Symptoms worsen while walking.


              < - walking

Adonis Vernalis

Characteristic particulars

     This medicine is an excellent remedy for ascites. It can also help manage symptoms such as:

    Heaviness in the chest and stomach

    Frequent need to take a long breath

Aceticum Acidum

Characteristic particulars

      Aceticum acidum is used to treat oedema, weakness and difficulty in breathing. Some of the other symptoms that can be treated with this medicine are


    Intestinal bleeding

     A sinking feeling in the stomach

    Great thirst and weakness with diabetes

     Belching with a sour after-taste

    Frequent watery stools

       Emaciation and debility with profound anaemia

     Frequent fainting spells

     Passing large volumes of pale urine

     Burning pain in the stomach and chest


              > -  drinking water ( except during fever )