Portal pyaemia

Portal Pyaemia


Portal pyaemia

  1. Anthracinium
  2. Bothrops
  3. Chin. Ars
  4. China. Sulh
  5. Echin
  6. Hippoz
  7. Lachesis
  8. Latrod. Has
  9. Pyrogen
  10. Sepsin
  11. Tar. C


Characteristics particular

·         It is a good medicine in case of portal pyaemia as well as septicemia

·         Hćmorrhages, black, thick, tar-like, rapidly decomposing, from any orifice. Glands swollen, cellular tissues odematous and indurated.

·         Ulceration, sloughing and intolerable burning.

·         Black and blue blisters.

·         Bad effects from inhaling foul odors.

·         Everything has a Gangrenous tendency, Succession of boils. Gangrene. Foul secretions.


Characteristics particular

·         Pyrogen is the great remedy for septic states, with intense restlessness.

·         "In septic fevers, especially puerperal, Pyrogen has demonstrated its great value as a homeopathic dynamic antiseptic.

·         Hectic, typhoid, typhus, ptomaine poisoning, diphtheria, dissecting wounds, sewer-gas poisoning, chronic malaria, after-effects of miscarriage, all these conditions at times may present symptoms calling for this unique medicine. 

·         All discharges are horribly offensive-menstrual, lochial, diarrhoea, vomit, sweat, breath, etc.

·         Great pain and violent burning in abscesses.

·         Chronic complaints that date back to septic conditions.

·         Threatening heart failure in zymotic and septic fevers. Influenza, typhoid symptoms.


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