Liver tumor

 Liver Tumor


  1. Arsenicum album
  2. Chelidonium
  3. Cholest
  4. Conium
  5. Hydra
  6. Lachesis
  7. Nitric acidum
  8. Phosphorous

Arsenious album
characteristic particulars

·         Arsenicum album is primarily used for treating infections, burning pain, irritable weakness and restlessness. The other symptoms that can be effectively managed using this medicine are:

·         Enlarged and painful liver and spleen

·         Heartburn and burning pain in the stomach

·         Narrowing of airways and burning pain in the chest

·         Pain and swelling in the abdomen

·         Extremely irritable stomach

·         Symptoms worsen in cold climate, post-midnight, near the seashore and after consumption of cold foods and drinks. Symptoms get better on consuming warm drinks and keeping one's head elevated.


·         < - warmth, motion, morning, eating, weather, exertion, touch

·         > - lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.


Characteristic particulars

·         The liver symptoms of Chelidonium are very prominent.

·         There is soreness and stitching pains in the region of the liver, but the keynote for this drug in hepatic diseases is a pain under the angle of the right shoulder blade, which may extend to the chest, stomach, or hypochondrium.

·         There is swelling of the liver, chilliness, fever, jaundice, yellow coated tongue, bitter taste and a craving for acids and sour things, such as pickles and vinegar.

·         The stools are profuse, bright yellow and diarrhea; they may be clayey in color.

·         It is remedy to be used in simple biliousness and jaundice, and in hepatic congestion or inflammation the character of the stools will distinguish Bryonia.

·         homeopathic medicine for liver cirrhosis is perhaps our greatest liver remedy; it causes the liver to secrete thinner and more profuse bile than any remedy;

·         It is a useful remedy to promote the expulsion of gall stones, and to prevent their formation


  • < - right side, motion,touch, change of weather, early morning
  • > - after dinner, pressure


 Characteristics particular

·         Liver region sensitive, cannot bear anything around waist. Especially suitable to drunkards. Abdomen tympanitic, sensitive, painful

·         Stool is Constipated, offensive stool. Anus feels tight, as if nothing could go through it.

·          Pain darting up the rectum every time be sneezes or coughs.

·         Hemorrhage from bowels like charred straw, black particles.

·          Hemorrhoids protrude, become constricted, purplish. Stitches in them on sneezing or coughing.

·         Constant urging in rectum, not for stool.


·         < - after sleep, ( sleeps into aggrevation )

·         > - discharges, warm applications

Nitric acidum

Characteristics particular

·         It is a great liver remedy

·         Great straining, but little passes, Rectum feels torn.

·         Bowels constipated, with fissures in rectum. Tearing pains during stools.

·         Violent cutting pains after stools, lasting for hours (Ratanh).

·         Hæmorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani.

·         Hæmorrhoids bleed easily. Diarrhœa, slimy and offensive.

·         After stools, irritable and exhausted. Colic relieved from tightening clothes.

·         Jaundice, aching in liver.


  • < - evening & night, cold climate , hot weather
  • > - while riding in a carriage


Characteristic particulars

·         Phosphorus is the remedy for fatty degeneration of the liver, with well marked soreness and jaundice.

·         The stools are grayish white.

·         Jaundice accompanying pneumonia may also call for Phosphorus.

·         Suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc.

·         Fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, are pathological states often calling for Phosphorus.


  • < - touch, physical/mental exertion, warm food, drink, evening, lying on left/ painful side
  • > - dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air,sleep