Thenar space infection

 Web space infection/Mid Palmar Space Infection/Thenar Space Infection


  • Infection of proximal volar space of finger.
  • Callosities & Infection of proximal spaces.
  • Trauma. As well as Spread from other palmar spaces and from flexor sheaths through lumbrical canal.
  • Bacteria  includes Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Gram-negative organisms.



Mid palmar space infection


  • Trauma.
  • Spread from infection of finger spaces and web spaces.
  •  Haematogenous spread as well as Spread from tenosynovitis

Thenar space infection


  • The thenar space may be infected by a spread of any infection in the thumb or index finger.
  • This results in marked swelling of the web of the thumb and thenar region.
  • The thumb is held in an abducted position.
  • The space can be drained by an incision in the first web posteriorly, or where the pus points.

Homoeopathic remedies for webspace/mid – palmar

space/thenar space infection

  1. Anthracinum
  2. Arsenicum album
  3. Bufo rana
  4. Belladonna
  5. Carbo veg
  6. Hepar sulphuric calcareum
  7. Hyosyamus
  8. Lachesis
  9. Kreosote
  10. Pyrogenium
  11. Rhus tox
  12. Silicea
  13. Tarantula
  14. Myristica
  15. Merc iodum
  16. staphylococcinum



Characteristic particulars

  • Homeopathic medicine for with marked infection  burning pain
  • abundant discharge of ichorus, terribly offensive pus and poisoning of blood by absorption of pus
  • affected part is much sensitive
  • parts surrounding the gangrenous spot give dusky appearance.

Arsenicum album

Characteristic particulars

  • Intense burning in the seat of the infection of web, mid palmar & thenar space
  • sensation of swelling as though boiling water were running beneath the skin
  •  restlessness, thirst& great  debility
  • aggravation at night and relieved from warmth.


< - wet weather, after midnight, from cold dinks

> - heat, warm drinks


Characteristic particulars

  • Due to infection of web, mid palmar, thenar space  that causes redness along with throbbing pains
  •  erysipelatous inflammation around pus collection
  •  cerebral irritation with congestion
  • drowsiness with inability to sleep.
  • Usaully swollen, red, hot, sensitive & smooth erutions are seen


< - touch, jar, noise, after draught

> - cold application


Characteristic particulars

  • It is suitable for mid palmar, thenar, web space infection  with blueness far around
  •  and red and purplish streaks in neck, back and other parts,
  • Usually malignant pustules are present , then bufo is given


< - warm room

> - bathing , cold air

Carbo veg

Characteristic particulars

  • It is also indicated for infection in web space, mid palmar, & thenar infection
  • dark, blackish appearance with burning pain and discharge offensive matter even after gangrene has set in; blood poisoning; collapse.


< - evening, night, open air, cold butter, coffee, milk

> - fanning, cold

 Hepar sulph

Characteristic particulars

  • It is also indicated for infection in web – space, thenar, mid palmar infections surrounded by indurated spots
  • pain intense, sleeplessness is seen
  • stinging burning of edges of ulcer with corroding discharge
  • cheesy discharge is seen
  • intense pain is resent where persons feel very sensitive to touch, cold air


< - dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught

> - damp weather, from wrapping head up, warmth, after eating


Characteristic particulars

  • It is indicated in case of infection of mid palmar, web – space,thenar space
  •  it acts as a knife and breaks open the pus .
  • Remedy of anti – septic powers
  • Inflammation of skin , cellular tissue, etc.,
  • Pain in the finger nails with swelling of phalanges
  • Phlegmonous inflammations, hastens suppuration.


Characteristic particulars

  • It is a good medicine in case of infection in mid – palmar, thenar, web space
  • Pyrogen is the great remedy for septic states, with intense restlessness.
  • All discharges are horribly offensive-menstrual, lochial, diarrhoea, vomit, sweat, breath, etc.
  •  Great pain and violent burning in abscesses.
  •  Great debility in the morning. Bursting headache with restlessness is seen in this remedy


> - motion

 Rhus tox

Characteristic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for infection in web space, thenar & mid space
  • homeopathic medicine for  having burning, itching around carbuncle, with vertigo, stupor, pale face
  • great restlessness
  • feels somewhat relieved of violent pain as long as he is in motion
  •  more indicated in the beginning, when the pains are intense and the affected parts are dark and red.


< - sleep, cold , wet , rainy weather

> - warm, dry, motion change of position, rubbing, warm applications


Characteristic particulars

  • It is a good medicine in case of infection in mid – palmar, thenar & web space
  • During process of ulceration it clears the wound of its decaying masses and promotes healthy granulations
  • want of vital warmth
  • slow progress of the disease
  •  furuncles appearing in crops, carbuncle between the shoulders and nape of the neck
  •  indurations remaining after boils or carbuncles


< - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering

> - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather


Characteristic particulars

  • It is also important remedy for infection
  • It is suitable erysipelatous redness around the pus collection
  • rigors followed by burning fever; great thirst; anxiety, headache, delirium, profuse perspiration and retention of urine
  • excessive pains in carbuncle is seen 


< - cold weather, cold air

> - smoking , warmth