Subungal infection or nail psoriasis

Subungal infection or nail psoriasis


  • fluid or pus draining from under the nail
  • increased swelling or pain
  • red streaks in the skin
  • a fever
  • a feeling of heat or throbbing in the finger or toe
  • excessive redness around the area of injury



Homoeopathic remedies for subungual infection

  1. calcarea carb
  2. graphitis
  3. pulsatilaa
  4. sepia
  5. mezereum
  6. arsenicum album
  7. bacillium
  8. chrysarobinum
  9. thuja
  10. medorrhinum
  11. lycopodium

calcarea carb

Charactersitic particulars

  • it is a good remedy for subungual infection
  • This remedy is best suited to people who are fair in complexion and fat with relaxed musculature.
  • It is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and genital tract in women.
  • People who benefit from this remedy have the following symptoms
  • Tendency to sweat excessively which results in fungal infections of the skin
  • Intense itching with burning sensation of the skin which is more prevalent in the morning and while lying in bed Shiny skin with white spots of fungal infection on areas like the wrist, thighs and ankles
  • Thick white vaginal discharge (resembling milk), especially between monthly periods
  • Intense itching with burning sensation in the genital region associated with white discharge
  • Aggravation of symptoms in damp and wet climate. Symptoms improve in dry weather


< - damp weather, wet climate

> - dry weather, warm applications


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for subungual infection
  • This medicine acts best in people who are short in stature and heavily built.
  • They are fair in complexion, slow in action, always feel chilly and have a tendency for skin disorders and constipation.
  • Graphites is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and genital tract.
  • It is also helpful in the treatment of fungal infection of the oral cavity caused by Candida albicans.
  • People who benefit from this remedy have the following symptoms
  • Dry skin that develops cracks and fissures
  • Intense itching of the infected areas with discharge of sticky fluid leading to burning sensation
  •  Increased itching with warmth and in humid weather


< - warm climate, humid weather

> - cold climate


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is also an good medicine for subungual infection
  • This medicine is best suited to dark-complexioned people who are mild in nature and have firm muscles.
  • People who benefit from this remedy experience the following symptoms
  • Fungal infection of the skin (ringworm) that appears every year during spring on different body parts
  • Ringworm on the face Moist skin folds with severe itching in areas such as the back of the knees and front of elbows
  • Scratching relieves itching and makes the skin rough, dry and pink in colour


< - sweat , evening, laundry work

> - excersice


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for subungual infection
  • This medicine works best in people who are calm and do not get disturbed by emotional flareups, anger, hatred, etc. Individuals requiring mezereum are generally hesitant and very sensitive to cold air.
  •  It is useful in the treatment of fungal infections, especially of the skin.
  • People who benefit from this remedy have the following symptoms
  • Intense intolerable itching, especially on the back of neck Infected areas become moist and tend to form scabs
  • Inflammation in the infected area, which is surrounded by small red boils that burn and itch severely
  • Occasional bacterial infection in the areas affected by fungal growth that leads to the formation of pus underneath the scabs
  • Increased itching with touch, humid weather, in the evening and at midnight
  •  Amelioration of symptoms in open air


< - touch, humid weather, evening, midnight

> - open air


Characteristic particulars

  • It is a good remedy for all skin affections
  • This remedy acts best in people who have a tendency to suffer from swollen glands.
  • Arbor vitae is mainly used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and genital tract and is especially effective in treating ringworm of the skin.
  • People who benefit from this remedy have the following symptoms
  • Ring-shaped infected areas with severe itching and biting sensation
  • Intense desire to scratch the skin.
  • Scratching increases itching in the infected area Dry, unhealthy skin even after washing


< - night , 3 am to 3 pm , coffee

> - left side


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for subungual infection
  • Medorrhinum is useful in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and genital organs in women.
  • It is also effective in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea.
  • People who benefit from this remedy experience the following symptoms:
  • An affinity for fungal infection of the scalp, with formation of sticky and foul-smelling discharge underneath the scabs
  • Intense itching which is not improved after scratching and gets worse when thinking of it or at night


< - thinking of it, scratching

> - warm application