Oesophageal varices

 Oesophageal Varices

Oesophageal varices

1.      Hamamelis

2.    Chelidonium

3.     Cardusmarianus

4.    Phosphorus

5.     Crotalushorridus

6.    Leptandra


Characteristics particular

·        Hamamelis is highly effective to treat cases of esophageal varices.

·        People needing Hamamelis have hemorrhage from portal congestion.

·        They tend to vomit blood and also suffer from anal bleeding.

·        These hemorrhages are attended with great prostration.

·        In non-bleeding esophageal varices, this medicine can be taken independently to reduce enlargement, swelling, and engorgement of vessels.

·         However, in cases of bleeding esophageal varices, this medicine can be taken as a supportive help along with conventional treatment.


·        < - warm, moist air


Characteristics particular

·        Chelidonium is indicated in cases of severe liver diseases with esophageal varices.

·        The liver diseases like fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver are present in cases needing Chelidonium.

·        There may be jaundice and ascites in such cases.

·        The skin seems yellow, the urine is yellow, and the stools are white-colored.

·         Pain in the liver and under the right shoulder blade is present along with the symptoms of jaundice.

·        The pain may be shooting or stitching in nature and extend to the back. Fullness and pressure are also felt in the liver region.

·        Chelidonium helps in treating liver diseases (that are the main reasons for esophageal varices.)


·        < - right side, motion, ouch, change of weather

·        > - after dinner, pressure

Cardus marianus

Characteristics particular

·        CardusMarianus is a natural medicine for esophageal varices arising as a result of liver disease.

·        People needing this medicine also have jaundice and marked fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

·        The liver area is painful and sensitive.

·        There may be a history of abuse of alcoholic drinks. Blood in vomiting and stool may also be present.

·        Marked fatigue is present along with the above symptoms.


Characteristics particular

·        Phosphorus is a natural remedy for esophageal varices where there is blood present in the vomit.

·        The blood is bright red.

·        This remedy can be used along with conventional help to control the symptom of blood in vomiting in cases of bleeding esophageal varices.


·        < - touch, physical/mental exertion, warm food, drink, evening, lying on left/ painful side

·        > - dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air,sleep

Crotalus horridus

Characteristics particular

·        CrotalusHorridus offers a natural treatment for esophageal varices where there is blood in vomiting.

·        The blood in the vomit, in this case, is dark-colored. Dark blood may also be passed in the stool.

·        This medicine can also be used for supportive help along with the conventional mode of treatment.


·        < - right side, open air, evening & morning, jar, warm weather.


Characteristics particular

·        The key indication to use Leptandra in esophageal varices is a black tarry stool.

·        The stool may have a fetid smell, and vomiting and shooting pain in the liver may be present along with extreme prostration.

·        Leptandra is also a very important homeopathic remedy for liver diseases.