Hydatid cyst

 Hydatid cyst

Hydatid cyst

  1. Baptisia
  2. Graphitis
  3. Kreosote
  4. Lept
  5. Raph
  6. Scilla
  7. Secale
  8. Seneca

Coffee ground like

  1. Crotal
  2. Digitalis
  3. Lachesis
  4. Podophyllum
  5. Tar. Ac


Characteristics particular

·         It is also an good medicine for liver cysts

·         Nauseous feeling in abdomen.

·         Fullness and hardness in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence,must loosen clothing, presses painfully at abdominal ring.

·         Croaking in abdomen. Inguinal region sensitive, swollen.

·         Pain of gas opposite the side on which he lies.

·         Chronic diarrhoea, stools brownish, liquid, undigested, offensive. Very fetid gas preceded by colic.

·         Stool.is  Constipation; large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads. Burning haemorrhoids.

·         Prolapse, diarrhoea; stools of brown fluid, mixed with undigested substance, very fetid, sour odor.

·         Smarting, sore anus, itching. Lump stool, conjoined with threads of mucus. Varices of the rectum. Fissure of anus


·         < - warmth, night, during and after menstruation

·         > - dark, wrapping up.


 Characteristics particular

·         Liver region sensitive, cannot bear anything around waist. Especially suitable to drunkards. Abdomen tympanitic, sensitive, painful

·         Stool is Constipated, offensive stool. Anus feels tight, as if nothing could go through it.

·          Pain darting up the rectum every time be sneezes or coughs.

·         Hemorrhage from bowels like charred straw, black particles.

·          Hemorrhoids protrude, become constricted, purplish. Stitches in them on sneezing or coughing.

·         Constant urging in rectum, not for stool.


  • < - sleeps into aggreavation
  • > - discharges, open air

Senecio Aureus

Characteristic particulars

·         Golden Ragwort is best suited for individuals with liver cirrhosis. It can also help treat the following symptoms:

·         Nausea and burps with a sour after-taste

·         Abdominal pain

·         Sharp and sudden chest pain


·         > - open air

Adonus versalis

Characteristic particulars

·         This medicine is an excellent remedy for ascites. It can also help manage symptoms such as:

·         Heaviness in the chest and stomach

·         Frequent need to take a long breath


Characteristic particulars

·         The principal use of Podophyllum is in liver affections. Primarily, it induces a large flow of bile, and, secondarily, great torpidity, followed by jaundice.

·         It is indicated in torpid or chronically congested liver, when diarrhea is present.

·         The liver is swollen and sensitive, the face and eyes are yellow and there is a bad taste in the mouth.

·         The tongue is coated white or yellow and the bile may form gall stones.

·         There is a loose watery diarrhea, or if constipation be present the stools are clay-called.

·         Morning, painless diarrhea.

·         Green, watery, fetid, profuse, gushing of stool.

·         Prolapse of rectum before or with stool.

·         Constipation; clay-colored, hard, dry, difficult.

·         Constipation alternating with diarrhea

·         Another symptom of Podophyllum is that the patient constantly rubs the region of the liver with the hand.

·         Functional torpor of the portal system and the organs connected there with indicates Podophyllum.


  • < - early morning, dentition, hot weather