


  1. Aur.m.n
  2. Chelidonium
  3. Ceanoth
  4. Chamomilla
  5. Chionath
  6. Cinch
  7. Digitalin
  8. Dolichos
  9. Lept
  10. Lycopodium
  11. Mercu. Do
  12. Myr
  13. Nux vomica
  14. Natrum phos
  15. Nux vomica
  16. Tarax
  17. Yucca
  18. vipera

chelidonium majus

Characteristic particulars

·         The liver symptoms of Chelidonium are very prominent.

·         There is soreness and stitching pains in the region of the liver, but the keynote for this drug in hepatic diseases is a pain under the angle of the right shoulder blade, which may extend to the chest, stomach, or hypochondrium.

·         There is swelling of the liver, chilliness, fever, jaundice, yellow coated tongue, bitter taste and a craving for acids and sour things, such as pickles and vinegar.

·         The stools are profuse, bright yellow and diarrhea; they may be clayey in color.

·         It is remedy to be used in simple biliousness and jaundice, and in hepatic congestion or inflammation the character of the stools will distinguish Bryonia.

·         homeopathic medicine for liver cirrhosis is perhaps our greatest liver remedy; it causes the liver to secrete thinner and more profuse bile than any remedy;

·         It is a useful remedy to promote the expulsion of gall stones, and to prevent their formation


  • < - sitting erect, affected side
  • > - pressure, after dinner

Nux vomica

Characteristic particulars

·         In liver affections occurring in those who have indulged to excess in alcoholic liquors, highly seasoned food, quinine, or in those who have abused themselves with purgatives, Nux is the first remedy to be thought of.

·         Bruised soreness of abdominal walls.

·         Liver engorged, with stitches and soreness.

·         Colic, with upward pressure, causing short breath, and desire for stool.

·         Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging, incomplete and unsatisfactory; feeling as if part remained unexpelled.

·         Alternate constipation and diarrhoea-after abuse of purgatives.

·         Colic may be present.

·         The liver is swollen hard and sensitive to the touch and pressure of clothing is uncomfortable. The first remedy in cirrhosis of the liver.


  • < - morning, mental exertion, after eating, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, cold
  • > - from a nap, while at rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure

 Lycopodium clavatum

Characteristic particulars

  • Lycopodium acts powerfully on the liver.
  • The region of the liver is sensitive to the touch, and there is a feeling of tension in it, a feeling as if a cord were tied about the waist. Cirrhosis.
  • The pains are dull and aching instead of sharp and lancinating.
  • Fullness in the stomach after eating a small quantity.
  • There is apt to be weight and aching in the liver; he can lie on that side, but on turning to the left side the liver seems to pull and draw.
  • Pain in back and right side from congestion will often yield to the remedy.


  • < - right side, from right to left, above downward, 4 to 8 pm,
  • > - motion, after midnight, warm food and drink

 Chionathus virginica

Characteristic particulars

  • Chionanthus is another well indicated and excellent medicine in liver problems.
  • It treats the enlarged and soreness of liver in cases of jaundice and gall stones.
  • Constipation is also associated with other complaints.
  • Aching pain, feels as if a string were tied around the intestines which was suddenly becoming tight and then gradually loosened.


Characteristics particular

·         it is one of the rare liver remedy

·         Deep pain in right side over liver, going through back.

·         Stool yellowish brown, with bileis seen


·         > - open air