Hepatic encephalopathy

Hepatic Encephalopathy


Hepatic encephalopathy

    1. Chelidoniummajus
    2. Lycopodium clavatum
    3. Calcarea carbonicum
    4. Phosphorous
    5. Nux vomica
    6. Cardusmarianus
    7. Arsenicum album
    8. Natrum sulphuricum
    9. Berberis vulgaris
    10. Chionathusvargin

Chelidonium majus

Characteristic particulars

  • Main action of sphere of Chelidonium is on the liver.
  • Persons of light complexion, thin body and mentally irritable and suffer from hepatic, gastric and abdominal complains.
  • Dull and throbbing pain in the abdomen especially in the region of the liver with tenderness is also covered by Chelidonium.
  • Constant pain is felt below the lower side of right shoulder. It mainly affects right side of the body.
  • The liver enlargement is associated with constipation or diarrhea with nausea and vomiting depends on the pathology.
  • The patient desires very hot drinks, cold drinks increase liver complaints.


  • < - touch, motion , affected side
  • > - after dinner, pressure

Lycopodium clavatum

Characteristic particularis

  • All the liver complaints followed by gastric complains(acidity) is best treated by lycopodium.Lycopodium acts powerfully on the liver.
  • The region of the liver is sensitive to the touch, and there is a feeling of tension in it, a feeling as if a cord were tied about the waist. Cirrhosis.
  • The pains are dull and aching instead of sharp and lancinating.
  • Fullness in the stomach after eating a small quantity.
  • There is apt to be weight and aching in the liver; he can lie on that side, but on turning to the left side the liver seems to pull and draw.
  • Pain in back and right side from congestion will often yield to the remedy.


  • < - right side, from right to left, above downward, 4 to 8 pm,
  • > - motion, after midnight, warm food and drink

 Calcarea carbonicum:

Characteristic particulars

  •  Calcarea carb is suited to persons who are generally fatty, flabby and fair.
  • Fatty persons suffering from any liver disease can be treated by this medicine.
  • The symptoms which are present are chronic constipation which used to be removed mechanically with distended abdomen.
  • The patient is very sensitive to cold air, catches cold easily but sweat present over the head.


  • < - cold air, cold weather
  • > - warm weather


Characteristic particulars

  • Phosphorus is the medicine very effective in cases of hepatitis, either acute or chronic and cirrhosis of liver.
  • Region of left side of abdomen especially the liver area is very sensitive to touch with congestion.
  • This is used to treat cases of fatty liver which are accompanied by regurgitation and sour eructation.
  • The patient may complain of pain in the region of liver and excessive flatulence along with vomiting in some cases.
  • Phosphorus is the remedy for fatty degeneration of the liver, with well marked soreness and jaundice.
  • The stools are grayish white.
  • Jaundice accompanying pneumonia may also call for Phosphorus.
  • Suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc.
  • Fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, are pathological states often calling for Phosphorus.


  • < - touch, physical/mental exertion, warm food, drink, evening, lying on left/ painful side
  • > - dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air,sleep

 Nux vomica

Characteristic particulars

  • Nux vomica is the best homeopathic remedy used in abdominal complaints.
  •  All complaints caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
  •  Liver enlargement is also present with pain in abdomen after eating.
  • With the pain in the liver area, sour eructation is also experienced few hours after eating by the patients.
  • A person wants to pass stool due to the above complaints but unable to pass.
  • In liver affections occurring in those who have indulged to excess in alcoholic liquors, highly seasoned food, quinine, or in those who have abused themselves with purgatives, Nux is the first remedy to be thought of.
  • Bruised soreness of abdominal walls.
  • Liver engorged, with stitches and soreness.
  • Colic, with upward pressure, causing short breath, and desire for stool.
  • Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging, incomplete and unsatisfactory; feeling as if part remained unexpelled.
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhoea-after abuse of purgatives.
  • Colic may be present.
  • The liver is swollen hard and sensitive to the touch and pressure of clothing is uncomfortable. The first remedy in cirrhosis of the liver.


  • < - morning, mental exertion, after eating, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, cold
  • > - from a nap, while at rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure

 Arsenicum album

Characteristic particulars

  • Arsenic Alb is best indicated in cases results from bad effects of spoiled food or food poisoning.
  • Ars. Alb is used in liver diseases like hepatitis with enlarged liver.
  •  Burning pain is present in the region of liver which relieved after drinking warm drinks.
  • Burning thirst without special desire to drink is also important symptom but the stomach does not tolerate as it lies like a stone in the stomach.


  • < - cold drinks, 12 – 2 am, -2 pm, cold weather
  • > - warm weather

Cardius marinus

Characteristic particulars

  • Cardus marianus is a well-known remedy in the cases of cirrhosis of liver and liver cirrhosis with generalisedoedema in the whole body.
  •  A liver is swollen that gets worse from pressure, is well indicated in carduusmarianus.
  • The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer.
  • This homeopathic medicine for liver disease is indicated in jaundice with dull headache, bitter taste, and white tongue with red edges, nausea and vomiting of a greenish fluid.
  • There is an uncomfortable fullness in the region of the liver, the stools are bilious and the urine golden yellow.
  • Constipation; stools hard, difficult, knotty; alternates with diarrhoea. Stools bright yellow.
  • Swelling of gall bladder with painful tenderness.
  • There is sensitiveness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium.
  • a dark brownish patch over the lower part of the sternum as a useful hint for Carduus, presence of “liver spots seems to be a special indication for the remedy.
  • Haemorrhages, especially connected with liver disease.

Natrum sulphuricum

Characteristic particularis

  • Natrum Sulphuricum is one of the liver remedies, especially indicated where the complaints are arises due to living in damp houses, basements, cellars.
  •  Generally, complaints are aggravated in rainy weather and water in any form. It can be prescribed in cases of hepatitis or jaundice.
  • The liver is very sore to touch with sharp, stitching pains due to which tight clothing around waist is unbearable worse by lying on left side.
  • Natrum Sulphuricum is one of the most wonderful medicines for liver problems like jaundice
  • where the symptoms include a liver region that is sensitive, tender and sore to the touch. Vomiting bile is another indicator.


  • < - touch
  • > - open air

Berberis vulgaris

Characteristic particulars

  • Berberis Vulgaris is the mostly prescribed in cases of formation of stones like gall stones.
  • Stitching pain in the region of gall-bladder, worse by pressure which extend to stomach.

Chionathus virginica

Characteristic particulars

  • Chionanthus is another well indicated and excellent medicine in liver problems.
  • It treats the enlarged and soreness of liver in cases of jaundice and gall stones.
  • Constipation is also associated with other complaints.
  • Aching pain, feels as if a string were tied around the intestines which was suddenly becoming tight and then gradually loosened.