Acute paronychia

Acute paronychia


  •     It occurs in subcuticular area under the eponychium. 
  •     Minor injury to finger is the common cause.
  •     Suppuration occurs very rapidly. 
  • It tracks around the skin margin and spreads under the nail causing hang nail or floating nail. 
  • Organisms are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. 
  •  Quantity of pus is very less around 0.5 ml but it should be drained to relieve symptoms.


Homoeopathic remedies for paronychia

  1. Antimonium crudum
  2. Silicea
  3. Graphitis
  4. Bryonia alba
  5. Fluoric acid
  6. Belladonna
  7. Causticum
  8. Mercurius solibus
  9. Nitric acid
  10. sulphur

Antimonium crudum

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for paronychia of hand
  • It is helpful in treatment of  fungus causing distorted nails and toenails.
  •  It is suited to a person who is very irritable and has thickly coated white tongue.
  • Symptoms are worse by heat and cold bathing.
  • He has tendency to grow fat.
  • It is given when nails are brittle and grow out of shape


< - heat , acids, water

> - open air , warmth


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a useful medicine incase of paronychia of hand
  •  Silicea is very helpful for nail fungus with pus, infection and sharp pains in toenails.
  • It is given to patient who has affection of finger nails.
  • It is given especially if white spots are present on the nails.
  • It is very good remedy for ingrowing toe nails.
  • Patient has icy cold and sweaty feet.
  • Patient has suppurating sensation in finger tips.


< - new moon, morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering

> - warmth, wrappin up, summer, wet humid weather


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is good medicine for paranoychia of hand
  • Graphites is given when patient has nail fungus when nails crack.
  • It can also be given when patient has stiffness and contraction of toes.
  • His nails are brittle and breaks easily.
  • It also treats when patient has deformed nails which are painful, sore, thick and crippled.


< - warm climate, humid weather

> - cold climate

Bufo rana

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is good medicine for paronychia of hand
  • It is given when patient has pain in extremities.
  • It is given when patient has fungal infections of the nails and toenail which appear bluish or blackish in colour.
  • It is given when patient has swollen skin around the nails and has pus.


< - warm room

> - bathing , cold air

Fluoric acid

Charactersitic particulars

  • It is also a good medicine for paronychia o hand
  • It assures positive results in cases where the nails grow very fast and are crippled with fungus infection.
< - warmth
> - walking


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for paronychia of hand
  • Very useful for nail infection when onset is sudden with throbbing pain, red hot inflammation.


< - touch, jar, noise, after draught

> - cold application

Nitric acid

Characteristic particulars

  • It is a good medicine for paronychia of hand
  • Nitric acid may also come in suppurations about the glands, especially the inguinal or axillary, in syphilitic subjects
  •  and when the discharge is offensive, excoriating and of a dirty, greenish yellow colour.
  • Suppurations is mastoid process


< - evening , night , cold climate, hot weather

> - while riding in carriage


Charactersitic particulars

  • It is also one of the good medicine for paronychia of hand
  • Is also a remedy which may be used with the greatest benefit in abscesses and suppuration
  • especially is it useful in chronic cases where the discharge is profuse, accompanied with emaciation and hectic fever.
  •  Abscesses in scrofulous persons, where there is a marked psoric taint and a tendency to boils, correspond to Sulphur.
  • The pus is acrid and excoriating.
  • Crops of boils in various parts of the body indicate the remedy well.


< - bathing , morning 11 am , warm

> - open air , cold application